What Can F.A.C.T. Do for Society?
The concept of F.A.C.T.™, first conceived in the U.S.A, is a direct response to our nation facing the most terrible catastrophe since the 1918 flu pandemic, with over 1,000,000 U.S. deaths as of May 2022 due to COVID-19. Worldwide deaths due to COVID-19 are now over 17,000,000. Over history the most deadly pandemics have been airborne transmission: pneumonic plague, measles, chickenpox, tuberculosis, influenza, enterovirus, norovirus, all coronaviruses, adenovirus and even smallpox & polio. The 1918 flu pandemic killed about 400,000 Americans. Strikingly, WWII U.S. combat deaths were 291,000. Total American lives lost in our Civil War were 800,000.
Facial Air Curtain Technology provides numerous advantages over conventional face masks. In fact, F.A.C.T.™ is not a mask at all; it does not cover-up any part of the face, and offers protection for all three entry areas into the human body. People hard of hearing or deaf can still communicate, read lips and interact. There is no interference with eating or drinking. People with COPD, suffering claustrophobia or mental distress are not affected or hindered. Adopting F.A.C.T.™ would provide society a more effective tool to overcome the spread of COVID-19, as well as future airborne pandemics.
Mk 3 F.A.C.T. system $299.99 free delivery!
Order at FACTAirCurtain@gmail.com or (817)-475-9419
+applicable taxes