This device provides an invisible curtain of air to protect all 3 entry points into the human body from airborne bacteria and virus, i.e. the eyes, nose and mouth.
F.A.C.T.™ uses 3M™ N95 surgical grade mask material filtration for the feed air.
Light weight. The additional cap weight is less than 1 oz. and almost invisible to sight.
Air supply pump, filtration and fanny pack weigh 309 gm or 2/3 lb.
Eight hour battery pack weighs 360 gm or 3/4 lb. without vibration
Full-up weight of air supply pump. filtration, battery and fanny pack is less than 1.5 lbs.
Quiet, less than 40dB sound ~ lower than normal conversation.
F.A.C.T.™ concepts have never been used before to provide viral protection for human beings.